
Numbers and quality indicators: G1-G9

Minimal numbers required for stroke unit certification. Many of these items are much easier to present in a valid way by participating in free online registries such as the SITS registry ( or the ResQ registry ( If you are using data from local registries, provide official documents approved by the hospital lead with names, official function and signatures from 2 different persons.

Dedicated stroke beds: 6
Monitored stroke beds: 4
Acute stroke/TIA patients per year: 200
IVtPA treated patients per year: 20
Referrals for EVT: no cutoff; related to number of patients
TTE, TOE, neurovascular ultrasound, CT/MR, CTA/MRA: no cutoff; related to number of patients

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The information you provide will be kept confidential and used solely for the purposes of this study. We appreciate your time and input, as it plays a crucial role in advancing stroke care.


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